17.Applications and Implications


In Mexico there are areas where it is almost impossible to recover any water since everything is paved and rainwater is completely wasted by going directly to the drain, which is why I thought of some aesthetic project that would suddenly solve a basic need such as water.

What will he do?

That is why in my final project I focus on rain catchers, most of them are designed with the help of the roofs and roofs of the buildings, but what I want is for it to be independent for those buildings that do not have the necessary conditions to capture some water, in addition to taking advantage of the rains in places where there is not even any type of construction, such as fields, fields or places where it is required.

Who has done it beforehand?

For a while I thought that I would be the first to think about the project as I modified it since at the beginning I had a design but for functionality I decided to change it, anyway, as the final design turned out, it turns out that something similar already existed, when I took a photo of my sketch and I uploaded it to the network to see what matches it had, that's how an image appeared on Pinterest, I opened it and later I opened the link that it gave me, which redirected me to the rainsaucer page, here I found two models on which they have worked, the creators are Thomas A. Spargo and Mitchell T. Wenger.

What materials and components will they use?

This prototype required

Qty Description Price Link
1 PLA filament $25 IBERO PUEBLA
1 Xiao Seed RP2040 Microcontroller $10 IBERO FABLAB PUEBLA
1 service CNC router service Free of charge IBERO PUEBLA
3 service 3D printing service Free of charge IBERO PUEBLA
1 Nylon waterproof fabric $8.20 https://es.uline.mx/Product/Detail/S-22717/Tarps/Heavy-Duty-Woven-Poly-Tarp-Silver-Black-20-x-20?pricode=WB7486&gadtype=pla&id=S-22717&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjwhIS0BhBqEiwADAUhcykjAQNlsIt9xVbujrAF9TMmLtP0g9NwkRqPtKfH60JoLANtCVj6vRoC-woQAvD_BwE

Potential applications

- Residential use: for collecting rainwater for garden irrigation, vehicle washing and other domestic activities.

- Agricultural use: for the supply of water in irrigation systems for agricultural crops.

- Industrial use: for the capture and use of rainwater in industrial processes that require quality water.